
Second Thoughts

Thursday, January 8th, 2013

     Doubts are inevitable I suppose. Fear naturally lurks in uncertainty. I'm planning a massive endeavor. At this point, I'm focused on riding a motorcycle from Vietnam to Portugal, while administering the "Satisfaction With Life Survey" to random groups of people in select cultures. Additionally, I plan to film informal dialogues with people on the topic of what makes them happy. Considering I've neither conducted official research, nor have I ridden a motorcycle on a long trip, there is room for doubt. 

      But, I'm doing this all for its own sake. I don't expect to make any money. Nor do I expect any recognition. It is my hope that someone will read what I've written and realize an easier and more fruitful path to happiness. One person would be sufficient. In an infinite universe, relative effects don't scale; only intentions matter. This thinking alone as assuaged much of my doubt by helping me to realize that the project cannot fail. Where that wisdom falls short, I have encouragement from Sir Winston Churchill.
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."
   I've been able to maintain fairly high levels of that, so I suppose I'm succeeding. Hooray for the living wisdom of dead people!